Gay bars austin downtown

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Not too rowdy, not too laid back, just a good old fashioned good time. Photo: Tyler MaloneĪt the end of the day Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden is all about being a wonderful place to eat, drink and hangout. Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden Order up at Bangers Sausage House & Beer Garden on Rainey Street. Subsequent developers have followed suit making Rainey Street one of the most unique entertainment districts in Austin. The original Rainey developers made use of the “neighborhood” feel of the area by remodeling the original bungalow structures to produce a unique backyard, front porch appeal. Once a sleepy residential street, albeit nestled right next to downtown, Rainey was rezoned as part of Austin’s central business district in 2004. Born from a small neighborhood of pre 1934 bungalows, Rainey Street maintains a unique historic character.

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